Specializing in women's health, labor and delivery, postpartum care, and childbirth education. 

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732 710- 2640 

Birth Doula

Birth Doula

I have been involved in hundreds of births as a registered nurse during my experience in the labor and deilivery unit and countless more during prenatal care and childbirth education. While I enjoyed and was challenged by my responsibilities related to my nurisng practice offering comfort and support to birthing moms (and dads) is where I felt most comfortable and effective. Becoming a DONA birth doula enables me to focus on the emotional and physical support allowing other members of the birthing team to handle the clinical aspects of the birthing process. 

As a doula I am compassionate, nuturing and a client advocate who is supportive of pregnant clients and their partners needs before, during and after the birth exprience. Doulas offer a multitude of comfort measures which include hand, neck, foot and back massages, reinforcement of Lamaze breathing, and creative visualization techniques, assisting with position changes and facilitating communication between the client and partner and clinical care providers. These comfort measures and interventions promote a positive environment which allows for nuturing and support of the client and her partner. 

Doula Rate $1200 

Services include an initial prenatal consultation, unlimited telephone support, presence and support during labor and delivery and initial postpartum period, and a follow-up postpartum visit. 

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